2015 Challenge Results
Another great challenge and sale this year as 10 of Western Canada’s up and coming trainers demonstrated their talents on 10 of our finest two year old colts and fillies. Our winners were:
Grand Champion - Gregg Garvie riding Lot 1 RHR Cee Gun
Gregg took home an additional check of $2500
Purchased by Reed Heggie of Raymond, AB
Reserve Champion - Cole Matier riding Lot 6 RHR Blue Frost
Cole took home an additional check of $1000
Purchased by Bob Kaufman of Irvine, AB
Runner-Up - Samantha Humphries riding Lot 10 Mr Blue Lynx
Samantha took home an additional check of $500
Purchased by Matt Nelson of Mountain View, AB
Trainers are selected through an application process. It includes a detailed description of their skill, references, and a video showing them working with a young horse. All of the trainers this year would be considered by most to have an elite talent, which showed as they demonstrated the extra training completed during the horse sale preview. Many of them asked their horse to lie down, stood on their back while the horse waited patiently, or rode their horse with just a rope around the neck; Truly remarkable on two year old horses. Thank you to Candice Camille from Camille Photography for the following video, which shows many of the action shots of what each trainer accomplished.
Grand Champion - Gregg Garvie riding Lot 1 RHR Cee Gun
Gregg took home an additional check of $2500
Purchased by Reed Heggie of Raymond, AB
Reserve Champion - Cole Matier riding Lot 6 RHR Blue Frost
Cole took home an additional check of $1000
Purchased by Bob Kaufman of Irvine, AB
Runner-Up - Samantha Humphries riding Lot 10 Mr Blue Lynx
Samantha took home an additional check of $500
Purchased by Matt Nelson of Mountain View, AB
Trainers are selected through an application process. It includes a detailed description of their skill, references, and a video showing them working with a young horse. All of the trainers this year would be considered by most to have an elite talent, which showed as they demonstrated the extra training completed during the horse sale preview. Many of them asked their horse to lie down, stood on their back while the horse waited patiently, or rode their horse with just a rope around the neck; Truly remarkable on two year old horses. Thank you to Candice Camille from Camille Photography for the following video, which shows many of the action shots of what each trainer accomplished.